
Product Flowbot

 Document Management

One of the most important players in the Intralogistic market, use Firedesktop to manage all decision making and document flows.

Flowbot decision automation modules, BPMN workflow and RPA manage:
- more than 500,000 invoices on active and passive cycles.
- more than 300,00 reminders with automated decision-making
- several RPA flows integrated in legacy software, such as SAP and Esker

Problem Statement

Make the company's workflows automatic, e.g. active and passive invoicing, payment reminders, management of contractual deadlines, with relative integration in the different company departments, also with the Headquarters and international offices.

Value Delivered

Increased corporate profitability by making value procedures more efficient

Real Insight Engine

The Flowbot process

The capture engine can accommodate a virtually infinite number of documents

The search engine interprets, recognizes the document and extracts the required information.s

The information acquired pass to an evaluation phase based on both deterministic rules and on a neural network.s

Flowbot® can normalize the document by matching it based on local descriptors. s

the detection of the characters together with the document modeling allow to highlight extraneous writings and to process them in a personalized way.s